Prayer topics

Through our prayers we join with LAMB as it serves the people of Bangladesh, especially the many living in extreme poverty. Our prayer is that with God’s help they may remain healthy, achieve a better standard of living and lead happier and more fulfilling lives.

With God’s help LAMB brings healing and wholeness to those who are sick or who have been injured in an accident. LAMB especially looks after women and children, so that new born children will have a good start in life.  Our prayer is that God will bless families and bring them hope for the future.

Hospital staff deal with many illnesses for which patients need effective diagnoses and appropriate treatment. Community staff promote healthy practices and look after people with varied needs. Our prayer is and that all staff may be sustained and strengthened by God as they seek to give individual care to each person they serve.

Wholeness in life encompasses peoples’ social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. It is not only those with mental health issues who can benefit from LAMB’s work, with care and compassion. Our prayer is that people receive God’s loving care through the support that LAMB gives across local communities.

No one is turned away from LAMB because they cannot pay for treatment. There is a Poor Fund from which grants are made towards patient fees. About 10% of patients receive grants.  Our prayer is that those in greatest poverty will be able to get the treatment they need.

LAMB is a Christian organisation seeking to share God’s light in a mainly Muslim country and culture. Our prayer is that people of all faiths and none may be inspired to work together in mutual respect under God to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people of Bangladesh.

Prayer Topics are shared bi-monthly by email to those who wish to pray week by week for LAMB and the people it serves. Please email us if you would like further details.

Current prayer topics (July/August) include:

 Thank God for the prospect of good treatment for those who come to LAMB. Pray for patients who are uncertain over their recovery, that they will be able to cope with their treatment, especially when they experience continuing pain and anxiety.

The Poor Fund enables LAMB to treat the poorest who come but are unable to pay. Pray for wisdom about how much subsidy to approve so that deserving patients will get the help that they need.

Thank God for the appointment of David Chandran as executive director, accompanied by his wife Beulah. Pray for their move to LAMB in early July to go smoothly and for them establishing relationships in the LAMB family.